Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758)
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Astacus crangon Müller, 1776
Crangon vulgaris Fabricius, 1798
Crago vulgaris Lamarck, 1801
Crangon rubropunctatus Risso, 1816
Crangon maculosa Rathke, 1837
Crangon maculatus Marcusen, 1867
Crangon maculosa typica Czerniavsky, 1884
Steiracrangon orientalis Czerniavsky, 1884(with var. longicauda forma intermedia and var. brevicauda)
Crangon crangon typicus Doflein, 1900
Crangon crangon mediterranea Brashnikov, 1907
FAO Names
En – Common shrimp, Fr – Crevette grise, Sp – Quisquilla.
3Alpha Code: CSH Taxonomic Code: 2282300303
Scientific Name with Original Description
Cancer crangon Linnaeus, 1758, Syst.Nat., (ed. 10) 1:632.
Geographical Distribution

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Eastern Atlantic: Baltic, Atlantic coast of Europe from the White Sea to Portugal; Mediterranean; Black Sea; Atlantic coast of Morocco.
Habitat and Biology
Shallow coastal waters (0 to 20 m) although there are records of up to 130 m depth.Bottom sand or muddy sand. Marine or slightly brackish.
Maximum total length 89 mm.
Interest to Fisheries
This species has been mainly exploited by nets or trawls fishery in the Atlantic Northeast Ocean and the Mediterranean. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 37 223 t. The countries with the largest catches were Germany (17 457 t) and Netherlands (13 772 t).
Local Names
Norway : Sandreke , Hestereke .
Denmark : Hestereje , Sandhest .
Sweden : Räkhäst , Sandräka .
Finland : Hieta katkarapu .
Germany : Nordseegarnele , Nordseekrabbe , Krabbe , Granat , Kraut , Porre , Sanduhl .
Netherlands : Garnaal , Noordzeegarnaal , Garnaat , Garn .
Belgium : Garnaal , Noordzeegarnaal , Garnaat , Garn , Crevette grise .
Great Britain : Shrimp , Common shrimp , Brown shrimp .
France : Crevette grise , Sauticot (Normandy), Bouc (Brittany), Gambaro gris (Provence).
Portugal : Cabra , Camarão mouro , Camarão branco .
Spain : Quisquilla (official name).
Italy : (Palombi & Santarelli, 1961:368, indicate many local Italian names for the species).
Yugoslavia : Pieskorovna kozica .
Turkey : Cali karidesi .
Romania : Creveta de nisip , Garida de nisip .
Israel : Garída .
Tunisia : Bargouth bharr .
Source of Information
FAO CATALOGUE Vol.1 – Shrimps and Prawns of the World. An Annotated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries.L.B. Holthuis 1980. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No.125, Volume 1.