Neolithic communities in Yali Remnants of Neolithic communities have been found at several sites on Yali. The best preserved one
The archeological record indicates that groups of Neolithic settlers made their way to the Aegean island and Crete from the
Minoan Goddes
NisyrosIn the middle of 15th century BC the towns and cities of Crete appear to have been destroyed by seismic
 Sometime between 1,100 and 1,000 BC, a new wave of Greeks, the Dorian's, swept into the mainland and Peloponnese from
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Philip's son Alexander the Great claimed Nisyros and the surrounding islands in 334 BC, shortly after invading Persian-held Asia Minor.
Roman Period
After Philip V was defeated by the Romans at Cynos Cephalae in Thessaly in 197 BC, he made peace with
Byzantine Period
At least ten early christians basilicas are known existed on Nisyros, and certainly there must have been more that have
knights of st john
The knights of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as the Hospitallers, were originally an association of charitable brotherhoods who
Ottoman Period
Despite the strong garrisons that were established by the knights of St. John, the early 15th century saw a dramatic
greek war of independence
After the eruption of the Greek war of independence in 1821 AD, Nisyros took an active part in the insurrection,
Following the collapse of the italian fascist regime and the country's surrender to the Allies in the 1943, the Dodecanese
20 century emigration
Foreign immigration by Nisyrians began systematically after the greek war of independence in 1821, which, despite the vigorous participation of