
This route is my loved one it begins at Evangelistria, and crosses the NW part of the caldera, where the mountains are the result of the last big hydrothermal eruptions in Nisyros(after then it was a little one at the end of 19th century which builds the formations that are possible to see at Polibotis, Megalo and Mikros, and Alexandros craters, visitable at the northern side of the road to Stefanos.
The path begins walking down the dirty road on the right side Evaggelistria monastery, and cross the Kato Lakki valley, in the middle of this valley you will find the junction which climb up direction Boriatiko Montain.
The path is easy and in good conditions and leads to the cliff valley between Boriatiko and Nimfios Mounts, in the middle this way , on a point you will find some signals (mostly “N” with the direction arrows) who indicate you the way to hike toward the valley of Nimfios, where you can find a very old and good maintained monastery, and a ancient mycenean temple(from here is possible also to follow the hiking in direction Diavatini and back to Evaggelistria, with a stop on the top with a wonderful Caldera view).

Back to the previous path you continue the walk in direction Lakki until you arrive to the main road and from here you can decide to visit the volcanoes area, or turn left and continue the route toward Emporios. ( an interessant deviation could be done across the road and walking through the woods, searching the long riff provocate by the earthquakes in 1996, with attention because the ground is hollow and there is the danger it collapse down your feet).
To arrive in Emporios, you need to walk direction east on the main road, till you arrive on the hairpin bend, exactly on its edge, you will find a complex with three farmhouses ruins and behind them will begin the path toward the main square in emporios; by side this path it begins also an other one which leads direct to the begin of the path which leads toward Evaggelistria.

In emporios you can have a rest , after the uphill( mostly are stairs with high steps) and visit the church and the picturesque village). is a pleasure walk in the quiet of its old streets, and the silent ruins remains unchanged since the strong earthquakes happens in the twenties of the previous century.
-The relics of the Medieval Castle (Pantoniki), now restored become The Sterna Project.
-The temples of Taxiarhis and of Metamorfosi (the Transfiguration),
-The Volcanic Observatory accommodated in the restored Old Village Elementary School.
Walking toward North you will find a religious complex perched at the hill( is normally closed, but is possible to visit it asling the keys to Mr. Triantafillos, the owner of the taverna Apyria in the square of the village).

From this point looking toward the craters is easy to find the stairs which bring you on the path back to evaggelistria, on the first 200 mt please pay attention where you walk due to presence a couple of watertank without cover!!!!), this path is quiet easy and sightbar, on a spot behind your back you will remark a wall of “Lava Bubbles”.
The route on a point bring you to pass a gate , and for a while is no more visible , but continues parallel with the see, to have the most beutiful esperience is to schedule the whole route starting from Evaggelistria at 3-4 p.m in sommer, so that as you are on the way back from Emporios you can enjoy the wonderful view of the sunset from a privileged point of view, this way on the edge of the northern rim of the caldera allows you to notice the many constructions in the valley and some hide farms and old churches.