They outcrop on the E – SE rim of the caldera, formed in a remarkable lava neck on the SE rim of the caldera, they make up the entire southeast slope of the volcano. These represent an effusive – extrusive activity, fed by rhyolitic magma whose composition is the same as the lower pumice.
Small domes are observed on the rim of the caldera, as well as perlitic lava flows of high thickness and length; these extend to the coast and exhibit spectacular flow patterns (folds, laminar layering).
The localized presence of andesitic magma enclaves is quite remarkable; their diameter is up to 1.5 m.
A fallout layer of lapilli and blocks of low vesiculated obsidian perlite can be observed at the Avlaki site at the foot of the lavas flows, its thickness is 1m and it corresponds to initial explosive activity fed by the upper layers (rich in gas) of the same rhyolitic magma.